Category: Codeigniter

How to Create PDF using DOMPDF in Codeigniter

In this topics, we will discus about how to create PDF using DOMPDF with Codeigniter Framework. We are going to use a third-party library called Dompdf that enables us to create PDFs and save them to the server or directly display them. Step 1: Create Librarie (application/libraries/Dompdf_gen.php) Step 2: Call Librarie in Controller Step 3: Controller Function […]

How to send HTML Form array inside array in codeigniter using Ajax

Now, when you simply submit your form the normal way, your browser takes care of sending HTML input arrays inside array with ease and you can begin to segment your data on your server. This was an interesting complication that I ran into while making a form with dynamic related form fields. View Code JavaScript […]

having() Query in Codeigniter

This tutorial shows you how to write having query in codeigniter. This methods permits you to write the HAVING portion of your query. There are 2 possible syntaxes, 1 argument or 2. Let’s create a having method in codeigniter You can also pass an array of multiple values. If you are using a database that […]

order_by() Query in Codeigniter

The order_by() method is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order. The first parameter contains the name of the column you would like to order by. The second parameter lets you set the direction of the result. Options are ASC, DESC AND RANDOM. You can also pass your own string in the […]

Codeigniter https htaccess

.htaccess file is a configuration file used to override the main server configuration. .htaccess file placed in a directory and the configuration is applied to that particular directory and all the subdirectories. The most usage of .htaccess file is Rewriting URLs, Blocking, SSL, Customized error responses, Directory listing, Cache-Control, etc. Code