Category: Codeigniter

Shopping Cart using Codeigniter

In this tutorial, we are going to explain how we can use “Cart class in CodeIgniter”. This cart class allows us to add and remove products to a shopping cart and to update them. The Cart Class only provides the core “cart” functionality.  It does not provide other processing components. Steps For Shopping Cart using Codeigniter […]

count_all_results() Query in Codeigniter

The count_all_results() method is used to get the number of rows in a MySQL result handle. Permits you to determine the number of rows in a particular Active Record query. Queries will accept Query Builder restrictors such as where(), or_where(), like(), or_like(), etc. More Example count_all_results() method also resets any field values that you may […]

How to Autocomplete Textbox Using jQuery, Codeigniter, and MySQL

In this tutorial, I will show you how to autocomplete search from database using Codeigniter and jquery plugin. We are going to pull in live search thing something similar to Google search. As soon as you start typing in the textbox, the related suggestions will appear from the database Steps For How to Autocomplete Textbox […]

or_where condition in Codeigniter

CodeIgniter is a framework based on MVC principles. As a result, you would usually separate application logic, data abstraction and “output” into their respective areas for CodeIgniter use. In this case: controllers, models and views. When someone trying to or conditions using the active record database library in Codeigniter. This function is identical to the […]