Category: JavaScript

Bootstrap datetimepicker using Bootstrap 3

Datetimepicker component allows user to select a date from a calendar and time from a visual analog clock; it also accepts values via direct input. You can find a wide variety of date and time pickers here. We have used Bootstraps 3 datetimepicker and applied material design principles to it. Click here to download and Click here […]

How to Check Availability of the Username or Email using Codeigniter and Bootstrap Validator

Today I’m going to do a small tutorial based on Bootstrap Validator and Codeigniter. It’s a kind of validation tutorial for username or email that we see always when we register in web sites. I think you have seen a real time validation for a entered username or email is included in many online registration […]

How to Integrate Instamojo Payment Gateway in Laravel 5

In this tutorial we going to learn How to Integrate Instamojo Payment Gateway in Laravel 5. Most of thing are already in Instamojo documentation we just going to see it in step so you will easily integrate without reading whole document. Laravel has a package called “IndiPay – Indian Payment Gateways” which supports payment gateways like […]

How to Make Full-Screen Page Loader using JavaScript

When you search for a solution for full-screen overlay, the most website provides solutions using JavaScript or jQuery. The following solution is using CSS and JavaScript of jQuery. Here we are going to create a page loader window those overlays an existing HTML page and disabling all links and bringing into focus on the page […]

How to Preview image before upload with dynamically created input file using Jquery

One thing that jQuery makes really easy is accessing and dynamically modifying the image preview before upload. In popular networking sites such as Facebook and Linkedin, you might have observed the feature called Image Preview. Preview images before the upload are the most required feature for file upload functionality. It helps the user to view […]

How to calculate the total price using keyup function in jquery or javascript

The keyup() method triggers the keyup event, or attaches a function to run when a keyup event occurs. You can use parseFloat and parseInt to get the values from the other inputs, toFixed to ensure the final value looks like currency (remove that if it’s not needed), and provide a fallback of 0 in case […]