Category: Jquery

How to create text editor in textarea using jquery

This tutorial will teach you how you can create text editor using jQuery,  here we are using a jQuery plugin (TinyMCE ) to create this tutorial. There is many features in this plugin like undo, styleselect, bold italic, link image, codesample, alignleft aligncenter alignright Justif, forecolor backcolor, fullscreen and many more you can get in […]

How to Submit Form Without Page Refresh using Ajax, jQuery

This tutorial will teach you about creating form that will submit information without refreshing the form page. The jQuery post() and get() methods are used for HTTP POST or GET request from the server. Instead, an notification message will display on successful submission. HTML and jQuery Code PHP Code (insertdata.php)

How to automatically set the focus to a textbox when a web page loads using jQuery

This post will teach you how to automatically put cursor in form field using jQuery. So when you go to log into a website and the username field doesn’t automatically have the cursor in it when the page loads, you get a little frustrated. HTML Code jQuery Code Complete page source here.

How to create Ajax Pagination with jQuery & PHP

we are going to see an example PHP code to add ajax pagination to a list of records retrieved from database. pagination is a very important part where huge numbers of records are listed from the database. jQuery function call to get data in mysql table using Ajax.  INDEX.HTML In avbove Request Call function (request_call) to call […]

Local Storage using jQuery

Storing information locally on a user’s computer is a powerful strategy for a developer who is creating something for the Website. In this Example, we will look at how to store information on a computer to read later. localStorage is synchronous in nature, meaning when it loads it can block the main document from rendering localStorage does […]