PHP array_uintersect() Function

The array_uintersect() function compares two or more arrays, in a user-made function, and returns an array containing the elements from the first array, if the user-made function allows it. The user-made function compares array values, and returns a numeric value, 0 if the returned array should contain this element. Parameter Description array1 Required. The first […]

How to validate bootstrap form using jQuery

We always need to add validation on form like registration form, contact form, login form etc. we always prefer to give validation error after page refresh but you can give validation without page refresh. If you use bootstrap then you can use easily bootstrapValidator.js plugin. bootstrapValidator.js plugin gives client side validation without page refresh. We […]

PHP array_intersect_assoc() Function

The array_intersect_assoc() is used to create an array containing keys and values of the first array whose values (i.e. from the first array) are present in all other arrays, while index of values is same for all the given arrays. This function compares the keys and values of two or more arrays, and return an […]

PHP array_udiff() Function

The array_udiff() function compares the values of two or more, and returns the differences. Note: This function uses a user-defined function to compare the values! Returns an array containing the entries from array1 that are not present in any of the other arrays Parameter Is Required Description array1 Required. Array to compare from array2 Required. […]