Category: HTML

what is CSS Gradient? how to use Gradient in CSS3

Why CSS Gradient These are the following reasons to use CSS gradient. You don’t have to use images to display transition effects. The download time and bandwidth usage can also be reduced. It provides better look to the element when zoomed, because the gradient is generated by the browser. There are two types of gradient […]

How to create text editor in textarea using jquery

This tutorial will teach you how you can create text editor using jQuery,  here we are using a jQuery plugin (TinyMCE ) to create this tutorial. There is many features in this plugin like undo, styleselect, bold italic, link image, codesample, alignleft aligncenter alignright Justif, forecolor backcolor, fullscreen and many more you can get in […]

Cut Image using HTML

This is also known as Clip Property of CSS. Take a look at the image of the Nature at following. That Image has Cropped. Let’s see how to crop image using html. The Original image is 600×450. but we need to display small image. here i cut the image at right side. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> […]