Category: Codeigniter

How to create a Pagination in Codeigniter CodeIgniter-Technology

How to create a Pagination in Codeigniter

In this tutorial will learn how to create “Pagination in CodeIgniter”.  In this tutorial, we used the CodeIgniter pagination class by initializing pagination library. I am assuming you have already basic experience of working with the CodeIgniter framework before. Also, I will be sharing only partial code snippet related to pagination functionality. Initializing pagination library […]

How to Call jquery ajax in Codeigniter php CodeIgniter-Technology

How to Call jquery ajax in Codeigniter php

Getting data through Ajax is very cool, and when we can reuse the CodeIgniter views to get the Ajax data, the overall user experience become much more enhanced. So, in this tutorial I would show you how to call jquery Ajax in controller. This is a tutorial here I am not going to tell about […]

limit() Query in Codeigniter

Codeigniter provides a limit() method clause that is used to specify the number of records to return. The limit() method makes it easy to code multi page results or pagination with SQL, and is very useful on large tables. Returning a large number of records can impact on performance. Lets you limit the number of […]

Get IP Address and User Agent using CodeIgniter CodeIgniter-Technology

Get IP Address and User Agent using CodeIgniter

you can easily collect visitor’s IP address or browser infirmation using Codeigniter “user_agent” library. The User Agent Class provides functions that help identify information about the browser, mobile device, or robot visiting your site. In addition you can get referrer information as well as language and supported character-set information. The user agent name definitions are located in a config […]

How to use jquery validation (ajax) using Codeigniter CodeIgniter-Technology

How to use jquery validation (ajax) using Codeigniter

Validation form is very useful when we are checking on the client side. there are lots of methods are available for validation. As you can see to pass through data you can simply use the key pair syntax so the request sent below the data is “&emails=youremail@address”. The return values for your backend is true […]

How to Login with Google Account in CodeIgniter CodeIgniter-Technology

How to Login with Google Account in CodeIgniter

Google OAuth API is the easiest option to integrate login system in the website. Google OAuth login system helps the user to login to the web application using their Google plus account. The main advantages of Google login are the user can login to the web application with their existing Google account without register on […]