Category: HTML

How to use jquery validation (ajax) using Codeigniter CodeIgniter-Technology

How to use jquery validation (ajax) using Codeigniter

Validation form is very useful when we are checking on the client side. there are lots of methods are available for validation. As you can see to pass through data you can simply use the key pair syntax so the request sent below the data is “&emails=youremail@address”. The return values for your backend is true […]

How to Multiple Select limit number of selection using jQuery

I was doing to set a max-limit of selection on drop down list as one user select if(max limit is 2) of the options other will not select automatically. You may also like How to Send HTML Form array in Codeigniter using Ajax and How to Submit Multiple Form array in Codeigniter using Ajax. HTML Code Jquery Code

How to BootstrapValidator after submit form using Ajax in PHP php

How to BootstrapValidator after submit form using Ajax in PHP

jQuerys serialize() method to get the form data, and then ajax() methods to send the data to the back-end endpoint. After clicking the submit button, FormValidation will submit the form if all the fields are valid. If you want to do additional tasks instead of submitting the form, you can trigger the success.form.fv event. We […]

How to generate random username using PHP, Ajax, and MySQL

In this tutorial we are going to learn how to generate unique or random username using php and jquery ajax. just follow the below step to generate unique username in php. You may also like How to Check UserName and Email Availability From Database using PHP and Ajax and How to Remote call using bootstrap validator. HTML and […]

How to Dynamic PHP and HTML form with qty price and total in a table using JavaScript calculations

Today, I am starting to write an article about dynamic invoice forms in PHP because we need this type of form in a professional way and it is very beneficial for project study because we can’t know the actual rows. Next we have seen how to integrate JavaScript/jQuery auto complete to this dynamically added input […]

How to Create Dynamic Add/Remove rows with input fields in HTML table using JavaScript

In this article we will create a user interface where user can add/delete multiple rows in a form using JavaScript. In my previous article, I had discussed about the dynamic PHP and html form with qty price and total in table using JavaScript calculations. In this example, we have created a table which will display our […]

onkeyup Event Jquery

The jQuery onkeyup event occurs when a keyboard button is released after pressing. This method is executed or attach a function to run when a onkeyup event occurs. You may also like How to trigger jQuery change event in Checkbox and Onsubmit event using ajax and return true but Form not submit using Jquery. HTML Code Javascript Code